Blog Post Get to Know Carriers Before You Apply with Pulse Connect

Get to Know Carriers Before You Apply with Pulse Connect

Have you ever gone to the trouble of filling out an application, talking with a recruiter, submitting your driver documents, and completing onboarding procedures, only to find out along the way that you don’t think you’ll be happy at this new carrier? Maybe they don’t offer the benefits that are most important to you, or perhaps one of your driving buddies had a bad experience working with the dispatchers and thinks you’ll run into trouble too. Wouldn’t you have liked to know sooner that this wasn’t the job for you? Tenstreet’s Driver Pulse app already makes it easier to apply to jobs and complete onboarding paperwork and training content, but now we’ve got a way for you to have conversations about places you’ve worked or want to work: Pulse Connect. Before you even start filling out an IntelliApp, you can message drivers who have worked at a carrier before to ask them questions to make sure this company fits your needs and is the kind of place you want to work. You can also have conversations with other prospective drivers and let them know why you think they’d love to drive for your company – or why it might not be what they’re looking for. It’s like getting a meal with a friend and being able to ask exactly what you want to know from a fellow driver.

How To Use Pulse Connect

Step 1: Enable the Network
If you wants to receive messages from other drivers, you have to opt into the Pulse Connect feature and make sure your employment information is filled out. If you’ve completed an IntelliApp before, your employment history will already be in the system, and we won’t use any job history information besides what you’ve given us. This feature will not be enabled automatically for drivers, so to turn it on, go to the new Connect button on your Pulse home screen and then slide the Enable toggle to enable public detail sharing.

You’ll then review the driving experience you’ve provided, adding, editing, or removing companies as needed, and then click Save when you’re ready to finalize your profile. You’ll now be on the Pulse Connect screen. If you need to edit your driving experience information later, you can select Edit Public Details on this screen and alter your work history.
Step 2: Connect with Other Drivers
You can now connect with other drivers in Driver Pulse by using a simple name search to find other drivers you know or through suggested connections based on your submitted job history. The past experience you provide is what suggests connections with other drivers based on mutual employers. To search for people you know, tap the Connect button on your home screen and use the search bar at the top of the page to look up friends. You can also see and accept Friend Requests you’ve received, continue conversations with people you’ve already connected with, and invite people to join Pulse Connect on this page. When you go to a carrier’s page in Pulse, you’ll see a link to “Suggested Connections” underneath their logo, letting you see who is available to talk to at that carrier. You can click a button next to a suggested driver’s name to send a friend request, and once they accept your request, you are connected.
Step 3: Start Chatting!
Once you’ve enabled the feature and connected with another person, you can start talking to each other and asking questions. These conversations happen over private message, so what you share can’t be seen by carriers or other drivers. You’ll always be able to chat with the Driver Pulse team for any questions you have with the app as well. You’ll have the ability to send automated messages to other drivers with conversation topics of: home time, equipment, pay, and “other”, where you can type in a topic you’re interested in that isn’t covered by the auto-message suggestions. You can add multiple Connections to one conversation to make a group chat by using the Add button when you’re in a conversation, and you can also leave a chat by using the Leave button in an existing conversation. Ready to start chatting? Enable Pulse Connect in the Driver Pulse mobile app and learn more about great places to work!

Ready to start chatting? Enable Pulse Connect in the Driver Pulse app and learn more about great places to work!

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