Blog Post New Feature for Xpress Users

New Feature for Xpress Users

We are proud to announce a new tool for Xpress users: Dashboard Alerts.

If you need to quickly communicate a message across your user base, this tool allows you to create alerts for announcements, updates, news or anything else. Dashboard Alerts does a great job of disseminating simple messages without interrupting the rhythms of the recipients’ day.

Who has access to this new feature?

The tool is available for all “primaries” and can be found within the Edit Company tool. 

Who receives the alerts/messages?

The alerts are pushed out to all logged-in users every couple of minutes. You can vary the color and content of each message, and length of time it is visible.

new_feature_login_blurb_alerts (1)

Where did the idea for this new feature originate?

The request for this functionality came out of our first series of Tenstreet University meetings over the last month. There were several other requests that will make their way into the product–some that we’re working on now and others that have been added to our list.

Tenstreet University

We were pleased with the Tenstreet University series and extend our thanks to all the clients that participated in the sessions in Dallas, St. Louis, Nashville and Phoenix. We’re thinking about running more sessions in the new year. If you’d like to participate, please email your account manager or advisor to let us know what cities and dates work best for you.

In addition, we’re offering private Tenstreet University sessions at your location. If you’d like us to conduct a session, please let us know.

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