Blog Post Why Tenstreet for Your Mobile & Texting Strategy?

Why Tenstreet for Your Mobile & Texting Strategy?

A Streamlined Process

When it comes to finding qualified candidates, it’s important to stay on top of new technologies and texting is a recruitment strategy that’s on the rise with carriers across the country — about 60% of recruiters are already using texts to communicate with their candidates. When it comes to integrating new techniques into your recruitment strategies, finding the best and most effective ways to implement them can be a challenge, and texting is no different. Luckily, Tenstreet’s mobile and texting strategy can help you and your recruiters streamline the process of incorporating texting into your strategies and make it a seamless step in your recruitment process.

Strike While the Iron is Hot

The goal for a comprehensive mobile strategy should be to make the recruitment process as easy for your business as possible by taking each new candidate as they come in, establishing communication, and evaluating their qualifications. Tenstreet’s texting software gives your mobile strategy an edge when it comes to hitting those goals. With Tenstreet’s mobile strategy in place, whenever a candidate completes an application, IntelliApp alerts your recruiters immediately and allows them to begin communicating with your new candidate via text right away. At the same time, the candidate is automatically moved into your Drip Marketing campaign. This instant, automated process allows your recruiters to strike while the iron is hot, and the quick turnaround on responding to submitted applications significantly increases the responses and interest of candidates. Most mobile users always have their phones within arm’s reach and will respond instantly to texts from recruiters.

"60% of recruiters are already using texts to communicate with their candidates"

This texting strategy also allows your recruiters to be much more productive by letting them communicate with multiple candidates at the same time, and cutting down the time it takes for candidates to reply to messages. From the driver’s perspective, it shows that your business is up-to-date with technology, and the quick turnaround time from submitting an application to hearing from a recruiter shows them that you’re genuinely interested in them as a prospective employee. The speed and ease that texting lends to the application process makes it fast and easy for your candidates, as well as your recruiters, and makes your business more likely to be recommended to their friends and family who may also be looking for new work.

Comprehensive & Easy to Navigate Tools

Tenstreet’s unique texting software provides the platform that allows you to implement this kind of instantaneous, automated mobile strategy. While the goal is to make things as easy as possible for both your business and your candidates, the real beneficiaries will be your recruiters. The Tenstreet texting software is both comprehensive and easy to navigate, and relieves many burdens that your recruiters would otherwise have to deal with directly. For starters, the Tenstreet texting engine assigns a dedicated phone number through which all of your recruiters will be able to text back and forth with drivers, without having to give out their personal phone numbers. Recruiters can text directly from the communications or subject screens, and the software provides you with real-time information about the sender and recipient of each text, how many characters are left, and notifications for outgoing and incoming texts. Each time a text is sent or received the engine saves a copy, and easily allows your recruiters to go back and see their texting history with any applicant or driver. Texting reports can also be generated, which give an overview of the numbers of texts that are being sent and received per recruiter.

Untethered & Process Driven

One of the most convenient features of Tenstreet’s texting software is that your recruiters won’t have to be tethered to their computers to use it. The Tenstreet App can be downloaded and used on their Apple and Android devices, allowing your recruiters to respond or send texts while onsite or away from work. Tenstreet’s software makes it almost effortless for your recruiters to stay on top of incoming applications and communications from candidates. The software even allows you to automate certain processes to save your recruiters time. Process-Driven Texts can be set up just as easily as emails, and text notifications can be set up for drivers or candidates to alert them when they’ve gotten a new email from you. Subscriptions to text messages can be seen and monitored from within the software as well. With Tenstreet’s mobile strategy and software in place your business benefits from improving the speed and ease with which recruiters are able to communicate with candidates, plus the ability to integrate with Tenstreet’s other recruitment strategies and software, and to pursue your candidates more effectively over multiple channels of communication.

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