Blog Post Free Origins: Eliminate the Manual Attribution Tracking Burden

Free Origins: Eliminate the Manual Attribution Tracking Burden

Tenstreet attribution tracking generates more cost-effective leads and hires.

July’s webinar unveiled our Free Origins service, a concept borne from the five-hour car ride between Dallas and Tulsa. We make this trip each year driving home from GATS, and last year we discussed the idea of making attribution easier for everybody – not just our Full Origins clients. And today, almost one year later and coincidentally with GATS just around the corner, the Free Origins dream has finally come to fruition.

Both Free and Full Origins are out to overcome industry woes. These are some of the common gripes they’re tackling:

  • Advertising to drivers is a huge expense
  • Attribution is nearly impossible to track
  • Carriers spend too much time tracking ad spend in spreadsheets
  • Creative agencies have limited access to the big picture (e.g. the hiring process)

How does Origins help?

Origins shows you which application sources and hires and which referrers are performing well (and which ones aren’t). It was designed with the simple goal of helping you get the most out of your advertising dollars. With Full Origins, you can explore your entire onboarding process (and track the milestones and statuses you’re interested in tracking). You have total control over the origins you create.

It also integrates with popular call-tracking companies (e.g. CallSource, Marchex, and Convirza), so you can get accurate call counts that let you know how well your phone numbers are working.

Bonus: included are monthly review meetings with a dedicated Tenstreet team (go Team Martech!) that works to ensure clients are guided to make the best, most cost-effective ad-placement decisions.

So what is Free Origins?

Free Origins lets everybody in on the action. It offers limited access to the Origins tool and provides a widget report so clients can see where their lead applications, full applications, and hires are coming from. You’re also shown conversion rates for leads to fulls and fulls to hires. Free Origins clients can add spend to all origins (except for those that are associated with the Job Store as these values populate automatically on a per merchant basis).

Free Origins clients won’t create their own origins. Instead, Tenstreet works to group popular source and referral combinations so that you don’t have to do a thing.

How is there already a spend amount associated?

We apply a random number to your origins so that you can see all of the analytics Origins has to offer. You can replace that with your actual spend amount by going to the Origins tool, under Origins Setup.

How will the Origins groupings work?

Free Origins programming will organize your applications based on source and referrer code and create your origins. It’s important to note that not all sources and referrals will automatically go into an origin – only the most popular combinations. However, we’ll curate these groupings as we go, so you will notice more and more origins groupings after our initial launch as we continue to refine our database.

What is the difference between a referral code and a source?

All applications have a source, but not all applications have a referral code. A source is how the application comes to us – for example, an IntelliApp. A referral code is something that you can add to a source to get more detail. Learn more about referral codes and how you can create your own. 

What is the difference between event and cycle mode? 

In cycle mode, the month a lead app was received gets credit for the eventual hire. This shows you that the money you spent in that month was effective. We believe this gives you better information, but at the same time, it may not be what people are used to seeing. So we created an additional mode, event mode, which gives attribution to the month of hire.

In the simplest of examples, in cycle mode, if an applicant applies in January and is hired in March, January gets the credit. In event mode, March would get credit.

How do I get started with Free Origins?

Here’s the beauty of Free Origins: it’s already set up! Everything runs automatically, with primaries having access to the tool and the widget. In our next rollout, we’ll also include additional widget data on your Applications by Source by Status and Application by Referrer by Status homepage reports.

Will it work with Job Store?  

Yes, every time you post a job with a merchant in Job Store, Free Origins will automatically create an origin to show you the number of applications, leads, and hires you received from that specific merchant.

Wait, what’s Job Store?

Job Store

is a free service that gives you access to multiple job boards so you can purchase all your advertising from one convenient digital storefront. It puts your job openings in front of drivers and allows you to post them to multiple boards and markets in just a couple clicks. With over a dozen top industry job boards – including Indeed and Glassdoor – Job Store is becoming more powerful as we continue to add more merchants every month.

Do you have additional questions we can answer?

Add them to the comments section below so we can update this blog, or reach out to your account manager or advisor to learn more!

Watch the Free Origins Webinar to take a deeper dive and see it in action!

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