Blog Post Ordering Annual MVRs Individually a Thing of the Past

Ordering Annual MVRs Individually a Thing of the Past

If you’ve been working in the transportation industry for long, you’re well aware of the inefficient time-suck that is the traditional MVR process. Buying one MVR at a time, always hungry for more. So Tenstreet decided to fix this problem. If you can buy several scoops of dry pinto beans or quinoa from your local grocery store bins, why shouldn’t you be able to do the same with MVRs? So we made it happen, and added Bulk MVR to our list of solutions enabling you to purchase as many MVRs as you want, all at once. The flexibility built into our platform offers three ways for you to do this: 1. From our Safety Management Tool Simply enter the criteria to select the subset of drivers you want to target. A couple more clicks to finalize your order and you’re done.

2. From the DQF Missing/Expired Documents Report

Once you’ve found the subjects you wish to target you can make your Bulk MVR orders from a button embedded in this handy report as well.

3. From Search

Works just like the other two, just another convenient location from which to do it.

Curious about how you would find the subjects you wish to target?

Use an ‘MVR Anniversary Month’ tag for an easy way to find the drivers you need. Additionally, our new Annual MVR process further simplifies this for you. Here’s how this might look:
  1. Send a digital Certification of Violations to your drivers
  2. Order the MVRs you need, all at the same time
  3. Check out your Annual MVR Report to see where in the process each of your drivers are and which documents still need to be reviewed and countersigned
  4. Send Missing/Expired documents Alerts to anybody in your company (including drivers)
  5. Using Document Uploader, drivers help you capture required driver CDLs by uploading the required documents through the Driver Pulse app on their phone.
No matter how many you need, we make it work for you. You get multiple MVRs all at once and save a ton of time. See what else our Safety Management Tool can do for you or get a personal tour by calling 877-219-9283 or emailing We look forward to talking with you!  

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