Tenstreet's Onboarding Savings Estimator
The more drivers do online, the less you spend on hotels, meals, and recruiter time. See an immediate 20%-40% in savings when you free your onboarding processes from expensive and mundane activities. Try out our Onboarding Savings Estimator below to see potential savings for carriers based on orientation class size. To use the Estimator, please view this page on a desktop computer.
How Many Drivers Attend Orientation Each Week?
In-Person Orientation Costs |
3 Days In-Person |
1 Day In-Person |
Estimated Savings With 2 Days Online |
Meals | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Lodging | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Training | $0 | $0 | $0 |
$0 |
You could save $0/year on in-person orientation costs
Notes: Dollar amounts based on $10 meal cost, $100 hotel cost, and $100 training per day, per driver. Actual savings will vary by carrier.
For more information on our onboarding service offerings, or any of our other products, contact Tenstreet today.