CSA Compliance: What You Should Know

Car and transportation crashes are still one of the leading causes of death and permanent disability in the United States. In 2019 alone, there were over 37,000 car-related fatalities and 2.35 million injuries.  A significant percentage of these accidents involve large vehicles like trucks. That’s why the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) created the […]

Ordering Annual MVRs Individually a Thing of the Past

If you’ve been working in the transportation industry for long, you’re well aware of the inefficient time-suck that is the traditional MVR process. Buying one MVR at a time, always hungry for more. So Tenstreet decided to fix this problem. If you can buy several scoops of dry pinto beans or quinoa from your local […]

How to Find Safe, Reliable Drivers

In the trucking industry, hiring safe, reliable drivers is always a number one priority. Drivers with crash histories are not only costly for your business, but can put lives at risk. It’s imperative to get reliable safety information on your candidates’ crash and inspection records before you hire so you can be confident that every […]

DOT Rules & Regulations: FMCSA Compliance for Truck Drivers

The Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations are an integral set of government requirements that determine how truck drivers can operate in the United States. They provide a framework for enforcing safety standards on the road. Although staying ahead of DOT regulations and updates can be a challenge, it’s crucial not only to remain compliant to […]

The Case of the Stolen SSNs

Our Mystery Series continues with another crime against trucking. Read on to discover some of the biggest culprits in holding back your business and how to stop them cold. Jeanine’s stomach dropped when she walked into her office on Thursday morning and saw the drawer to her file cabinet slightly cracked. She knew she hadn’t […]

The Case of the Paper Pit

Here’s the second mystery in our series on crimes against trucking – keep reading to discover some of the biggest culprits in holding back your business and how to stop them in their tracks. The abandoned building on South Street is the reminder of the town’s once-lusty progress, a wretched emblem of what could have […]

5 Reasons to Go Paperless for Earth Day

It’s that time of year again for our planet’s favorite holiday: Earth Day! How are you going to celebrate on April 22nd? We hope you’ll plant a tree, recycle your cans and bottles, and consider making your business processes paperless. Everything from your job application to your driver management files can be made digital, allowing […]

Staying Compliant with Tenstreet’s DQF

Managing paper files is a grueling task. And as your fleet grows, any form of a paper-based filing system quickly starts to border impossible. The process will only become increasingly manual even through the use of spreadsheets – subsequent workflows and approvals will remain inconsistent; expiring or missing driver qualification files will go overlooked.  You […]

Dear Safety: Your Job Has Just Gotten Easier

We’re happy to announce the release of two powerful new additions to our line of truck driver safety services. Now along with our DQF module, which includes the Missing and Expired Documents reporting, come two new Safety services: Driver Management View Bulk Order MVRs 1. Safety Improved with A New View – Driver Management The […]

Hire Better Drivers Using PSPs

Hiring Safe, Reliable Drivers In the trucking industry, hiring safe, reliable drivers is always a number one priority. Drivers with histories of crashes and incidents that take drivers out of service are not only costly for your business, but can put lives at risk. Gaining reliable information on your candidates’ crash and inspection records can […]