Case Study: Tenstreet Delivers Recruiting Solution for Baker’s Express

After relying on just one job board with lackluster results, the Indianapolis-based trucking company harnessed the power of Tenstreet’s Job Store, tapping into a bigger pool of high-quality driver candidates. In a past effort to recruit truck drivers, Baker’s Express was spending a ton of money on one job board that brought in just a […]

Facebook Helps Boosts Your Signal Through Job Store

Job Store is the gift that keeps on giving. Our online marketplace is the easiest way to get your job postings in front of drivers by displaying them on over 20 job boards, social media sites, and other job and recruiting sites. It now connects you to a total of 23 merchants, making managing your […]

How To Use Driver Job Boards Effectively

If you’re a recruiter, it can seem like new ways to find drivers spring up every time you get online. The advent of technology has made options for both drivers and carriers abundant, but that also means it’s harder than ever to figure out which advertising platforms are best for your business and its needs. […]

Job Store: an Interview with a Developer

Our Job Store developers get a lot of questions from clients on how they can get the most out of Tenstreet’s Job Store. Today we’re talking to our lead developer Justin, who has been with Tenstreet since its inception in 2006, about the qualities the most successful client ads have and his recommendations on what […]

Free Origins: Eliminate the Manual Attribution Tracking Burden

July’s webinar unveiled our Free Origins service, a concept borne from the five-hour car ride between Dallas and Tulsa. We make this trip each year driving home from GATS, and last year we discussed the idea of making attribution easier for everybody – not just our Full Origins clients. And today, almost one year later […]

Maintaining Your Driver Job Posts

You might think that writing a great job ad and knowing where to post it online are all you need to attract great drivers, but those steps are just the beginning. To see continued results from your job posts, you need to maintain them to ensure they’re kept up to date and performing effectively. Just […]

Tenstreet Pulse Match: A Love Story

For Dana Rodriguez of Nationwide Express, her search for the perfect match seemed like a lost dream. After six months of searching and $5,000 in ads, she still wasn’t finding who she needed in the Redding, PA area. She was ready to call it quits. Then Dana discovered Tenstreet’s matching service After learning about the service […]

How American Central Transport Uses Tenstreet Origins

There are a ton of application sources out there to choose from when you’re looking to hire drivers. With all these choices, it’s nearly impossible to determine which ones work the best. What you’re asking for should be simple – which application sources give you the most cost-effective leads? Or to be even more clear, […]

How to Get Free Driver Applications For Christmas

Everybody in America is already getting at least one big, beautiful Christmas present, thanks to Trump’s new tax reform plan. But why stop there? You can actually get even more big, beautiful Christmas presents, with the added bonus of freeing up some money in your advertising budget. So, how do you spend less and recruit […]

New Job Store Merchants Being Added Monthly

  Job Store allows you to purchase IntelliApps from over 20 popular job board sites. Tenstreet has teamed up with some of the nation’s most popular job boards so you can post your jobs across multiple sites, all from one convenient access point. Each board gives you access to a unique market set and has […]